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Room Allergens At AllerEase Travel hotels, Los Angeles California
Room Allergens

The Four Most Common Room Allergens

Nearly 30% of the population regularly experiences allergy symptoms triggered by common room allergens. Many people wake up with a stuffy nose each morning, not realizing they might have a mild dust mite allergy. We are dedicated to educating hotel operators and travelers about the prevalence of room allergens and their negative impact on guest stays. Below are the four most common room allergens that people encounter both at home and while traveling.

Dust Mites

 Dust mites are the number one allergy trigger for travelers. Studies have found that proteins produced by dust mites are a leading cause of allergy and asthma symptoms. Over 25% of people are allergic to the digestive enzymes they produce. Unprotected pillows, mattresses, and comforters can harbor millions of dust mites.

AllerEase® rooms protect guests by encasing pillows, mattresses, and duvets with hypoallergenic covers. These specially woven covers have pores too small for dust mites to pass through. 

If you're sensitive to dust mites, staying in an AllerEase® room can lead to better sleep. Your nose will remain clear, and you'll feel more rested and refreshed.


Pollen is a well-known allergen that can cause "hay fever" or seasonal allergic rhinitis. Tree pollen is a common trigger in spring, while grass and weed pollens are more prevalent in summer and fall. Pollen isn't just found outdoors; these tiny particles can easily make their way into hotel rooms on clothing, skin, and hair. Once inside, pollen can settle on surfaces quickly and be easily disturbed, leading to ongoing symptoms.

If you have allergies to pollen or other airborne irritants like pet dander, consider requesting an AllerEase® room with a HEPA air purifier. These purifiers effectively remove airborne particles, including pollen, pet dander, mold spores, bacteria, and even viruses like Covid-19 and its variants, helping you breathe easier during your stay. 


Molds are microscopic fungal organisms found almost everywhere, both outdoors and indoors. They thrive by digesting plant or animal matter, such as leaves, wood, and food, and spread by releasing tiny, lightweight spores that travel through the air. Proteins in mold secretions can trigger allergic reactions in people.

Symptoms of a mold allergy are similar to those of many other allergies. They can include wheezing, a stuffy or runny nose, itchy or watery eyes, and even rashes or hives. Mold spores vary in size from 1 to 20 microns. Using a HEPA air purifier in a guest room can effectively remove most airborne mold spores, helping to create a cleaner and more comfortable environment for guests.

Pet Dander

Pet dander is a common allergen for many people. Contrary to what many believe, the issue isn't the shedding of cat or dog hair but rather the protein produced in their skin that triggers allergic responses. These proteins are minuscule and can linger in the air for long periods, unlike pollen or dust mite allergens that are heavier and tend to settle on surfaces. 

If you frequently experience allergy symptoms, we recommend calling AllerEase® Hotels directly to book an AllerEase® room equipped with a HEPA air purifier for your next trip. This can help ensure a more comfortable stay for you.